

Ein Paradies für Radfahrer erwartet Sie in der Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, wo eine beeindruckende Auswahl an Routen jeden Geschmack trifft. Ehrwald, Lermoos und Biberwier bieten die größte Vielfalt an Trails, doch die ganze Region verzaubert mit malerischen Gravelbike-Touren und Radwegen sowie herausfordernden MTB-Strecken, eingebettet in atemberaubende Naturkulissen.

Highlight ist die „Zugspitz 8“, eine 112 km lange Tour, die die natürliche Schönheit und kulturelle Vielfalt der Grenzregion Bayern-Tirol eindrucksvoll vereint. Ideal für alle, von Familien bis hin zu ambitionierten Bikern, bietet diese Route ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis in der Welt des Radfahrens.

Erkunden Sie die Tiroler Zugspitz Arena und entdecken Sie Ihren perfekten Weg durch eine der schönsten Bike-Regionen in Tirol.

An exceptional region for cyclists and bikers

Mountain biking in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena

Steep and challenging or picturesque and leisurely: At the “Approved Bike Area” on the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze, bikers are sure to get their money’s worth. Especially the villages of EhrwaldLermoos and Biberwier boast an incredible variety of cycling paths, bike trails and MTB routes. What do they all have in common? They offer unforgettable moments in nature on two wheels. Come and see for yourself!

Das Highlight für Bike-Enthusiasten


Die „Zugspitz-8“ ist nicht nur eine Radtour; es ist eine Entdeckungsreise, die Sie rund um das beeindruckende Wettersteingebirge führt und dabei die Schönheit Bayerns und Tirols nahtlos verbindet. Mit einer Streckenlänge von 112 Kilometern, die durch malerische Täler, vorbei an majestätischen Bergpanoramen und durch charmante Dörfer führt, verspricht diese Tour ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis für Radfahrer aller Leistungsniveaus. Ob Sie inmitten der Natur entspannen, Ihre Grenzen austesten oder einfach die grenzüberschreitende Kultur hautnah erleben möchten – die „Zugspitz 8“ bietet für jeden etwas. Machen Sie sich bereit für ein Abenteuer, das Sie nicht so schnell vergessen werden.

Approved Bike Area

MTB paradise and part of the Tyrol Mountain Bike Safari

More than 100 routes and trails let you enjoy diverse bike experiences in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena. Whether it’s high up into the mountains to crystal-clear lakes and towards breathtaking scenic views. Or along the Loisach river and across blooming alpine meadows. One thing’s for sure: From routes for leisurely cycling tours to challenging MTB trails, there’s something for every type of bike enthusiast.

By the way: The Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze is an “Approved Bike Area” in the category of “Tour & Trail”. This makes it one of Mountain Bike Holidays’ approved mountain bike destinations – something for which it has received a seal of quality. This TÜV-verified seal ensures: 

  • a minimum of 20 mapped-out tours in various levels of difficulty
  • bike transport on public transportation or by cable car  
  • exceptional advisory expertise and customer support

Part of the Tyrol Mountain Bike Safari: If you’d like to experience the heart of the Alps beyond the region’s limits, you can look forward to flexible riding fun thanks to the Tyrol Mountain Bike Safari. What awaits you are more than 780 kilometres in 16 action-packed stages!

Mountain bike routes near the Zugspitze

Leisurely valley route or challenging descent, short tour or Zugspitz Loop in one day: Mountain bikers and cyclists have many opportunities to pursue their passion in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena. The same goes for both beginners and pros, for groups of friends as well as families – from the itty-bitty ones to the seniors. Simply plan your individual route online! 

Tip: The Blindsee Trail in Biberwier is an absolute MTB highlight for advanced riders. It’s one of the “4 Great Trails”, and it rewards effort and focus with breathtaking scenic views.

Routes for freeriders in Lermoos on the Grubigstein

Downhill biking on the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze

Thrill-seeking mountain bikers feel especially at home on the Grubigstein in Lermoos. That’s where you can find the Forest One & Two routes and a new Skill Area – the first of its kind in Tyrol! Three short trails, ranging from level S1 to S3 in difficulty, are perfect for improving your technique. The pump track on the northern end of the Lusspark is another great option for that. Kids, teens or adults: The local bike schools are happy to teach you about everything relating to downhill biking.

Skill Area

... a training area where the different levels of difficulty can be tested.
Different elements such as bridges, narrow footbridges, wall rides and much more can be ridden and thus the biking skills can be assessed more easily.

Velosolutions Pumptrack

... a specially created track for all scooter sports like bike, BMX, scooter or similar.
The aim is to build up speed on it without pedalling, by pushing the body up from the depths. 
E-Biking as a motorised alternative

On e-mountain bikes through the mountains of Tyrol

More and more mountain bikers opt for some electrical tailwind. No wonder: E-biking gives many bike enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy the Tyrolean mountains and many other natural treasures in a convenient and comfortable way. The added boost thanks to e-power makes even distant or higher-altitude destinations easy to reach. Almost all bike routes are suitable for e-bikes. Charging stations and competent specialist retailers round off the region’s amenities and services for e-bikers.

Abenteuer zwischen Mountainbike und Rennrad

Gravel Bike

Die Tiroler Zugspitz Arena ist ein echter Geheimtipp für alle Gravel-Liebhaber! Ganz dem Namen entsprechend (Gravel = Kies, Schotter) sind die Gravel Bikes perfekt um Forstwege und Schotterstraßen stilgerecht zu beradeln. Mit dem Besten aus den beiden Radwelten Mountainbike und Rennrad vereint, wird jede Schottertour zum Flow-Erlebnis. So auch die Fahrt rund um die Zugspitze.

Seit 2022 gibt es auch die Möglichkeit über die Website gravel.tirol Informationen über Gravelstrecken im ganzen Außerfern nachzulesen.

MTB services in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena

On the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze, cyclists and bikers receive comprehensive support. Under the quality seal of “Approved Bike Area”, many special amenities are offered. From bike rentals to bike guides as well as numerous secret tips and tricks relating to the sport on two wheels. And from hotels specialising in the needs of bike-riding guests to SAAC bike camps and detailed mountain bike guidelines and rules for more safety on the mountain.


The Zugspitz Arena Bayern-Tirol Card

The Zugspitz Arena Bayern-Tirol Card is highly recommended for all those wanting to explore the region cross-border. Because this benefit card connects the regions surrounding the Zugspitze on the German side and the Austrian side even more closely. Experience the best of the entire region – during the incomparable mountain summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena!

Summer in the mountains

Hiking, biking, lakes and public pools, special family offers, and countless different leisure activities: That's what makes summer in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena a highlight for all holiday guests! 

Accommodation options

All accommodation options in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena ... 

Towns & the region

Find out about the towns on the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze! 

Destinations for excursions

The Zugspitze is surrounded by countless sights and attractions. Go on a journey of exploration in the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena and beyond! 
Summer in the mountains
Accommodation options
Towns & the region
Destinations for excursions